Facilities and Landscape Resources

Insurance Handouts 

Types of Insurance for Historical Societies.pdf 

Volunteers and Workers Compensation Coverage.pdf  

Non-Profit Board of Directors Liability.pdf  

Non-Profit Board ~ Liability Limitation Statutes.pdf  

Loss Control Services for the Non-Profit Organization.pdf  

A Guide to Crisis Management for Non Profit Organizations.pdf

Work Plans & Facilities Management Plans 

Sample Work Plan, Wallingford Historic Preservation Trust

Get Organized!

Get Organized Slides, Marilyn Cruickshank, October 26, 2015 Presentation

Emergency Planning Resources:

Sample Emergency Plan, 2015 

Basic Emergency Supplies and Equipment.docx  

Invite your Fire Dept brochure.pdf  

Who can you call for help flow chart 2015.pdf  

May Day PREP 2015.pdf  

May Day PReP-04282015.docx 

Bibliography of Disaster Planning and Emergency Response

A Guide to Risk Management of Cultural Heritage This guide is an abridged version of The ABC Method. It explains the ABC Method using many images, basic examples and simple exercises. It has been designed to introduce the risk-based approach to decision makers and to promote its use by heritage professionals and a younger generation of conservators.

Facilities Rental & Event Management  

Facilities Use Contract, Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical

Facility Rental Policy, Keeney Center, Wethersfield, CT 

New Haven Museum Operations Policy 

Making Functions Work for You, by Bill Blanchfield, NEMA Conference 

Risk Management

Historic Structures & Landscapes (Preservation) Resources

Partners for Sacred Places, www.sacredplaces.org

Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation, www.cttrust.org

National Trust for Historic Preservation, www.preservationnation.org

Conserve-o-grams from the National Park Service, https://www.nps.gov/museum/publications/conserveogram/cons_toc.html#collectionpreservation

Museum Facility Specifications, National Park

Technical Preservation Services, National Park Service, https://www.nps.gov/tps/how-to-preserve/briefs.htm

The Preparation and Use of Historic Structures Reports (Preservation Brief 43), https://www.nps.gov/tps/how-to-preserve/briefs/43-historic-structure-reports.htm

Heating, Ventilation and Cooling of Historic Buildings: Problems and Recommended Approaches (Preservation Brief 24), https://www.nps.gov/tps/how-to-preserve/briefs/24-heat-vent-cool.htm


The Alliance for Historic Landscape Preservation 

Olmstead Center for Historic Landscape Preservation (National Park Service), https://www.nps.gov/oclp/index.htm

Preservation Brief 36: Protecting Cultural Landscapes, https://www.nps.gov/tps/how-to-preserve/briefs/36-cultural-landscapes.htm

Pest and Mold Management, Donia Conn, August 2016

"Pest and Mold Management", Power Point Outline, Donia Conn, August 2016

Response and Recovery Resources (Heritage Emergency National Task Force)

Disaster Response and Recovery Guides (American Institute for Conservation)

Recommended Wildlife Resources for Cultural Heritage Organizations (HENTF)

Connecticut League of Museums
Central Connecticut State UniversityDepartment of History
1615 Stanley Street
New Britain, CT 06050
(860) 832-2674

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