Our Mission

The Connecticut League of Museums unifies and strengthens our state’s museums and cultural resources to expand their capacity and community impact.


The Connecticut League of Museums is the premier destination for Connecticut’s museum community, functioning as a hub and catalyst for learning; a source of inspiration, ideas, and assistance; a supportive and welcoming peer network; and a leading advocate for museums and voice for the public trust.

How We Do It

  • By sharing best practices and contemporary trends that affect museums, historical societies, and libraries
  • By serving as a communication hub facilitating peer-to-peer networking
  • By supporting the current and future generations of our state's museum workers, paid and unpaid
  • By offering a flexible and responsive array of programs and communications

What We Can Do for You

  • Improve your effectiveness through a variety of programs and resources
  • Share professional museum standards through educational programs, professional development opportunities, phone calls and online communication
  • Connect you to the world beyond Connecticut, to resources at the regional, national, and international levels
  • Connect you with other volunteers and professionals working in the museum field by offering opportunities for peer support and networking

Learn More

Connecticut League of Museums
Central Connecticut State UniversityDepartment of History
1615 Stanley Street
New Britain, CT 06050
(860) 832-2674

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