Join our colleagues from CT Humanities for several exciting new Granting program updates. Meet Lian Partridge, CTH’s new Grants Assistant. Be the first to learn about CTH’s newly updated funding priorities with CTH Executive Director Jason Mancini and CTH board member Frank Mitchell. And hear more about CTH’s upcoming CT Cultural Fund - Operating Support Grants administered by CTH in partnership with the Department of Economic and Community Development/Connecticut Office of the Arts (COA) with funding provided by the Connecticut State Legislature and SHARP Capacity Grants made possible through funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 with CTH Grants and Programs Manager Scott Wands. The program will include ample time for CTH to answer questions.
A recording of this program will be available on our YouTube channel afterwards for those who are unable to attend.
Connecticut League of MuseumsCentral Connecticut State University, Department of History1615 Stanley StreetNew Britain, CT 06050(860)
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