CT Summer at the Museum Program: Virtual Information Session
CT Summer at the Museum grants are BACK for 2022! Once again the Department of Economic and Community Development, in partnership with the Office of the Governor, Connecticut State Department of Education, Office of Early Childhood and Connecticut Humanities, is delivering these financially accessible summer enrichment opportunities to families and children of all ages using funding provided through ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act).
New this year: In 2022, all non-profit applicants will apply through Connecticut Humanities. And all eligible applicants will receive funding, even those that normally do not charge admission, to help cover expenses related to increased visitation.
The minimum grant award will be $1,000 and award amounts will be calculated based on applicants’ summer 2021 revenue from admissions for CT visitors under 18, a percentage of summer 2021 revenue from admissions for CT visitors over 18, and a base award determined by expenses in 2021 and previous years. “Summer 2021” is defined as July 1 – September 6, 2021.
Join Jason Mancini, Scott Wands, and Lian Partridge from CT Humanities, Elizabeth Shapiro from the Connecticut Office of the Arts and State Historic Preservation Office at the Department of Economic & Community Development, and Amrys Williams and Emily Garfinkel from CLHO on Tuesday, May 24 from 11am-12pm for more details about the granting program and to answer any questions you may have.

Jason Mancini
Executive Director, CT Humanities

Scott Wands
Director of Grants & Programs, CT Humanities

Lian Partridge
Grant & Programs Assistant, CT Humanities

Elizabeth Shapiro
Director of Arts, Preservation & Museums, CT Office of the Arts, State Historic Preservation Office at the Department of Economic & Community Development